Best Solutions for Reducing the Spread of Disease at Work
Healthy Workplace
Healthy Workplace Tips
​In this day and age of virulent Nu strains, SARS, and other Infectious disease outbreaks, I should be o secret that the public is concerned about cleanliness and hygiene (The flu and the common cold were the health issues that 80 percent of people in a recent rational survey said they were most concerned about) In fact, people go to such great lengths to avoid germs that they perform like contortionists in public restrooms - flushing toilets with their feet. pushing doors open with their shoulders, dispensing towels with their elbows, and doing anything necessary to avoid germ-lader surfaces​
For office building owners and managers, this heightened germ awareness means it's more important than ever to provide sanitary and hygienic working conditions for tenants. Although most tenants won't employ the white glove test to check for cleanliness, don't be fooled.. they ARE monitoring the condi tion and hygiene of their surroundings. While managing for stringent cleanliness and hygiene may seem like an unrecoverable overhead expense, consider build ing cleanliness as a marketing advantage. What can you do to establish a unique selling proposition that comes from having a truly clean and hygienic building?
In The Restroom
Nothing says "unhygienic" more than a dirty restroom. Unfortunately, office building restrooms don't rate high on the public restroom cleanliness scale, according to a survey in which only 18 percent of people polled chose office building restrooms as the most clean and hygienic (compared to 42 percent who chose public restrooms in hotels). A separate survey supports this
whether it's from paper litter on the floor, noxious odors, or lackadaisical cleaning dirty restrooms topped the list of building tenant complaints:
A couple of quick tips to keep germs at bay in your facility...
• Stop germ transmission in its tracks by employing no-touch systems. No touch technology can be employed in toilet flushers, water faucets, and dispensers toilet paper, soap and hand towels. No touch technology is especially crucial for hand towel dispensers, since towels are usod once bands are clean, after having bically been washed and rinsed That is the most important time for tenants not to touch potentially germ-laden surfaces. Tip: Look kor towel and tissue dispensing systems with internved paper, so users only Zwd to touch the towel or toilet paper they use without fishing around inside the dispenser thus reducing the risks of contamination. Or look for completely "touchless roll towel dispensers that don't have levers or cranks
Encourage proper hand washing. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), handwashing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Educate tenants on the importance of proper hand washing. Post reminders in restrooms. Tip Make sure there's always plenty of mild hand soap and saft absorbent hand towels in every restroom. Nothing is more disconcerting to people who want to do the right thing by washing up, only to find no hand washing supplies. If supply run-out is a problem, consider a high-capacity dispenser and remember-high-capacity doesn't need to man industrial Find a high-volume dispenser that lends a little class to your restrooms
Around The Office
Although 39 percent of office workers polled in a recent survey said they want their management to establish a policy requiring employees with contagious infections or diseases to stay home from work until they're better, the fact is that people do come to work when they're sick. However, there are some easy things that building owners and managers can do to help stem the Spread of infections...
• Identify "hot zones" for germ transmission. Just as in restrooms, germs can be spread any time someone touches something that has been touched by someone else. Desks, phones, elevator buttons, and door handles are just some of the commonly touched surfaces that can serve as a link in the transmission of germs. Proper surface sanitation and hand hygiene are crucial elements in the fight against germ transmission Tip: Choose a surface sanitizing system thars portable and easy to carry for spot-cleaning activities. particularly important during peak cold and Flu times. And to help tenants keep their hands sanitized and free from germs, provide alcohol gel hand sanitizers, which can be found in a variety of pump or wall-mounted dispensers for use throughout the building, especially in high-traffic areas.
• Don't forget the break room. This can be an ideal spot for the spread of germs, including food- borne illness germs. Giving tenants hand- and surface-sanitizing products can help avoid problems with cross-contamination. Tip: Provide canisters of disposable surface sanitizer wipes for tenants to wipe down food contact surfaces. If the break room doesn't have a sink, install alcohol gel hand sanitizers. If it does have a sink, past hand washing reminders so tenants wash up before they eat.
• Consider the issue of "respiratory etiquette." Originally developed by the CDC as a way to reduce the spread of SARS in health care facilities, the practice of respiratory etiquette includes some common sense measures anyone can apply to help lessen the severity of colds, the flu and other infections that can be spread via respiratory droplets or hand contact.
Ideas include:
-Instructing people with symptoms of a respiratory Infection to cover their noses and mouths with a tissue when coughing or sneezing
-Making hand hygiene products and tissues available.
-Providing designated containers for disposal al of used tissues. Tip: During the height of cold and flu season, create a "tenant care package with lotionized facial tissue, for extra comfort against sore, runny noses and portable hand sanitizer gels for on-the-spot degerming.
Here are some questions designed to provoke thought Your "scores" are not as important as thinking about factors that put your organization at risk, both on a daily basis for annual and periodic infections, but also in the event of an epidemic or pandemic.
Click the button above to fill out the pandemic preparedness form and a Pur-O-Zone expert will contact you to discuss your results. Please become a site member to access this form (it is free).
Vector Treatment Plan
Body Parts, Fluids and Aerosols
Blood, wounds
Sneezes, coughs
Vectors (inanimate)
Common Contact Surfaces
Laundry and Warewash
Door handles
Dispenser handles
Sink handles
Flush handles
Feminine hygiene receptacles
Wrestling mats
Gym towels
Uniforms and personal clothing
Table rags, mops
Plates, pots and pans
Other utensils
Body Parts and Fluids
Draining wounds
Wash your hands thoroughly and often after contact and during the day. Recite the alphabet before finishing.
Use hand sanitizer at desks, class or office entrances, entrances to the facility, fountains, and breakrooms.
Use sanitizer wipes during contact sports. Shower afterwards. Wipe gym equipment before and after use.
Use sanitizer wipes during contact sports. Shower afterwards. Wipe gym equipment before and after use.
Sneeze/cough into a tissue or the "crook of your elbow. Use properly rated face masks in times of respiratory/aerosol pandemic.
Door handles
Dispenser handles
Sink handles
Flush handles
Feminine hygiene receptacles
Consider soap and towel dispensers that eliminate handles, or silver-ion technology that makes the push bar antimicrobial.
Eliminate flush handles and sink handles by replacing with automation devices.
Replace standard feminine hygiene receptacles with touch-free designs.
Open the restroom exit door with a towel, then toss towel in a container located near the door.
Clean handles regularly with a disinfecting product including MRSA effectiveness.
Laundry and Warewash
Kansas Health Department specifications call for 180-degree rinse for 10 seconds 50 surfaces reach 160 degrees to sanitize.
Gym Towels
Other common contact serviceware
kansas Health Department specifications call for laundry programs to have at least one cycle that uses 160-degree water.
Dishes can also be sanitized by immersion in a 50 ppm chlorine solution for 10 seconds or a 200 ppm quaternary solution for 10 seconds.
Kansas Health Department also allows low-temperature laundry procedures if certain criteria are met.
Make sure staff is protected with apron and glove prophylaxis from uniforms, towels and other collected used laundry and silverware.
PANDEMIC PLANNING Stockpiling Suggestions
(Note: These suggestions were compiled from various sources and are meant to serve only as a guide, not a requirement.)
Colleges and Universities:
1. Sufficient and accessible infection control supplies (e.g., hand-hygiene products, tissues and receptacles for their disposal) provided in a wide variety of locations
2. Supply of building cleaning and disinfecting products
3. Supply of toilet paper products
4. Laundry soap and bleach
5. Extended supply of non-perishable foods. Coordinate with your food/dining services vendor.
6. Paper and plastic eating utensils; paper drinking cups
7. Supply of plastic trash bags and containers to allow frequent disposal of normal waste plus possibly infected wastes
8. Protective masks (more information to follow)
9. If dependent upon outside delivery of fuel oil, consider topping up tanks frequently in case of delivery interruptions
10. HVAC repair parts and maintenance materials
11. Other facilities/building supplies normally needed on a frequent basis
12. Fire suppression products
13. Bottled water
14. First aid supplies
15. NOAA weather radio
Individual Supplies:
The following list provides recommendations for at-home stockpiling, which are applicable for most emergency situations, and can easily be adapted to an extended in-home stay due to a pandemic:
Water - Store Two week Supply
1. Purchased bottled water or store tap water in clean, airtight plastic containers
2. Plan for one gallon of water per person per day
3. Water should be stored in a cool, dark place with the date labeled on the container
4. Have some water purification tablets on hand (could be useful in the event of an extended water service outage)
1. Store at least 3 to 5 days supply of non-perishable food per person
Ready-to-eat canned meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, beans, and soups
Protein or fruit bars
Dry cereal or granola
High-energy foods like peanut butter or nuts
Dried fruit
Canned or boxed juices
Canned or jarred baby food and formula
Condiments such as sugar, salt and pepper
Foods for persons on special diets
Instant coffee and sweetened cereals Granola bars and trail mix Vitamins
2. Bulk food items such as
Powdered milk, corn
Soybeans can be stored for long periods of time.
First-Aid Kit - Have a first-aid kit for home and each vehicle.
Sterile adhesive bandages in assorted sizes, gauze pads
Hypoallergenic adhesive tape - triangular bandages, sterile gauze roll bandages, ace bandages
Tweezers needle
Moistened towelettes
Tongue depressors
Tube of petroleum jelly or other lubricant
Safety pins
Cleansing soap
Latex gloves and sunscreen
Aspirin and other pain medication
Anti diarrhea medication
Syrup of ipecac
Activated charcoal
Antacids and laxatives
Tools and Supplies - Recommended keeping some or all items handy for all-around use:
Battery-powered radio
Extra batteries of assorted sizes (check shelf life before purchasing)
Duct tape Aluminum foil
Bow saw
Mess kits or paper cups, plates and plastic utensils
Cash (include change) and/or travelers checks
Non-electric can opener and utility knife
Small ABC fire extinguisher
Tube tent, pliers, adjustable wrench
Waterproof matches
Plastic storage containers
Signal flares
Paper and pencil or pen
Needles and thread
Medicine dropper
Plastic sheeting
Local map
For Sanitation:
Pack toilet paper
Soap and liquid detergent
Feminine supplies
Plastic bucket and lid
Household chlorine bleach
Clothing and Bedding
Assemble one or two complete changes of clothing per person
Sturdy shoes for work boots
Rain gear
Blankets or sleeping bags
Hats and gloves
Thermal underwear
Specialty Items:
Powdered milk and medications
Denture needs
Eye glasses and/ or contact lenses and related supplies
Personal hygiene items
Several quiet toys for children
NOAA weather radio